I can't promise anything, but I've be playing around with a mini character creator for the game. I have my hands full with what I'm working on at the moment, so this section is for fun things I might do in the future. Money is going to be important to unlock certain things in the game, so I'm finding a way to make it fun but not a hard wall like in other games, it should be a puzzle that the player can solve by learning and exploring the game if that makes sense. I started drafting up some of the Hybrid Pokémon (Pokémon created from the Player breeding with specials Pokémon). Progression is going alright, I almost got a complete gasp of how I'm going to do the egg system and just how many side activities I'll have in the demo along with Pokémon/Trainer scenes. There has been a unforgivable lack of ass here so I had to rectify that, I hope this makes up for it. Here's your magical fox girl sneak peak, I hope you all enjoy.

People have spoken and Braixen has won the Poll, thank you all for participating! Eevee was hanging in there for awhile but lost steam towards the end, personally I'm a Snivy enjoyer. Leave any ideas or suggestions you have, I would love to talk to everyone.

Hello everyone! This is update going over some of the things I've been working on.

Some trainers can be found with Shadow Pokémon! These are Pokémon that has had their heart sealed and not only do they have no weakness, but they had powerful Shadow moves that are always super effective!.Player x Pokémon sex and breeding system, this is how you will get new powerful variants of Pokémon to help you throughout the game.Pokémon from newer generations are available in the game expanding the roster, meaning that you will have more than just the 3rd generation Pokémon to play around with.You don't have to do this and can just romance your favorites. Corruption of different characters from the evil team grunts to even gym leaders! These characters can be used to achieve different tasks throughout the game and spread your reach.Another gift that you have been given is the ability to breed with Pokémon born with a special gene creating a unique offspring, these Pokémon can be found throughout your journey and must be tamed first.